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Rabbit Anti-c Myc Tag Polyclonal Antibody

Cat NoBSPA-1350
TypePolyclonal Antibody
Size1 mg
ConcentrationPlease refer to the vial lable for the specific concentration.
BufferSupplied in PBS.
StorageStore at -20 degree. Avoid repeted freeze/thaw cycl.
SynonymsAU016757;Avian myelocytomatosis viral oncogene homolog;bHLHe39;c Myc;Class E basic helix-loop-helix protein 39;MRTL;Myc;Myc protein;Myc proto oncogene protein;Myc proto-oncogene protein;myc-related translation/localization regulatory factor;MYC_HUMAN;Myc2;MYCC;Myelocytomatosis oncogene;Niard;Nird;Oncogene Myc;OTTHUMP00000158589;Proto-oncogene c-Myc;Protooncogene homologous to myelocytomatosis virus;RNCMYC;Transcription factor p64;Transcriptional regulator Myc-A;V-Myc avian myelocytomatosis viral oncogene homolog;v-myc myelocytomatosis viral oncogene homolog (avian);c-Myc Tag
NoteTis product l is eeze eezeleezeegrrch useeze ly, no useeze huma, apeut agnost apcal.
BackgroundA c-myc tag is a polypeptide protein tag derived from the c-myc gene product that can be added to a protein using recombinant DNA technology. It can be used for affinity chromatography, then used to separate recombinant, overexpressed protein from wild type protein expressed by the host organism. It can also be used in the isolation of protein complexes with multiple subunits.A c-myc tag can be used in many different assays that require recognition by an antibody. If there is no antibody against the studied protein, adding a myc-tag allows one to follow the protein with an antibody against the Myc epitope. Examples are cellular localization studies by immunofluorescence or detection by Western blotting. It can be fused to the C-terminus and the N-terminus of a protein. It is advisable not to fuse the tag directly behind the signal peptide of a secretory protein, since it can interfere with translocation into the secretory pathway.
We can offer labeled proteins/antibodies using a broad range of intensely fluorescent dyes and labels including FITC, Biotin, Alexa Fluor, Rhodamine B, Cy, Co-Au.
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